Solve Your #1 Problem:

Build Your Team Right Now WITH NO UPFRONT $$$

"There just aren't enough hours in a day."

"I can't do it all by myself."

"I can't wait until I can afford to hire a team!"

Sound like you? If so, stop what you're doing and pay attention: I have the solution you need right now.

2 years ago I was drowning in tasks, but didn't have enough money to build a team--or so I thought. After working through it the wrong way (a few times), I finally asked, "what would this look like if it was easy?"

At that moment, I saw the solution and knew that I could build an incredible team with NO money upfront (yes, even pre-cashflow). I did just that and my life got SO MUCH better. Now my team members do the things they are great at (and love) that I'm not. Now I have 75+ hours being worked in my business every week that isn't me. This allows us to move much further, much faster.

Next, I began sharing this process with my clients and several have begun building their teams. One has even added 10 people to their team using this process and is planning to add 5 more in the next 2 months.

Recently, talking to a dear friend, he encouraged me that many face this need and I should share this solution with more than just my 1-1 clients, so here we are.

This class, the first in our 1 Hour Wins series, will show you how you can build a powerful, committed team and do so with no upfront money. I'm intentionally doing this in a very no-frills, practical, tactical way. No slides, no gimmicks, just me looking at you, sharing exactly what you need to know in order to multiply your efforts and give yourself room to breathe.

In less than one hour, I answer questions including: When should I start building my team? Why don't most people do this? How can I possibly afford to do this? What are my options for hiring? Why would anyone want to work for me? What is the process?

I also provide a few simple, but important tools: an outline of the training for reference and note-taking; an offer-letter template, and a social media hiring post template.

How much does this cost? No frills there either: It's only $199 for the course, which is available immediately through the link below.

Still wondering how effective this training is? I'll end with a testimonial from a current client, Rick Coughlin, CEO of Grove Studios:

"As we were struggling to scale our business in the right ways, Dan coached us into hiring people for our business right in the middle of a pandemic. When you offer something of value to folks, even if you can't pay them out of the gate, they get to work, learn, grow their career in important ways, not to mention growing their network. We've grown our team from just three stressed out co-founders to include ten people by following Dan's methods, along with tapping into internships, and are on course to add five more people to the team in the next two months. This has changed our business for the better, and while the pandemic is still affecting us, we can all sleep a little better at night." -Rick Coughlin

I love and appreciate each of you so much!

Dan McPherson