Student Reviews

 "Thank you, loving the course. It is thought provoking and an essential part of the day for me. Every day!"

- Jacqui Gold

We All Need a Foundation

I remember the first time I tried to do a pull-up for real. I knew that this one exercise could be the doorway to so much more, and I wanted it badly.

I hung there and held on for dear life, but no matter how much I pulled, I just couldn’t get it done. Why? Because I hadn’t established the foundation I needed. I hadn’t practiced the movements and skills that would allow me to lift myself repeatedly up to that bar and move beyond it. I was crushed, but determined to accomplish my goal.

After months spent learning the proper motions, developing core muscle, and doing many push-ups and assisted pull-ups, I rejoiced as I completed not one, but five solid pull-ups.

It’s Hard to Build A Roof on Walls Made of Paper

Throughout my life, I’ve encountered countless situations like this. Times where I wanted the quick win but realized I hadn’t yet mastered the basics. To me, it ends up feeling like I’m trying to install a roof before the walls of my house have even been built.

You’ve felt the same way, right? We all have.

In my experience, the most common areas we tend to feel this way are with those skills society seems to assume we’ve figured out, even though nobody ever really taught us. Skills like leading others, avoiding overwhelm, communicating effectively, or even persuasively presenting ideas.

That’s exactly what led me to create the Foundations of Success Online Learning Platform.

You see, I know how much you want to win, to progress, and to achieve your dreams, because I feel the same way.

It hurts when we feel unequipped and unprepared, or even lose focus on where we are or what we’re capable of accomplishing. I’ve had those exact thoughts over and over again.

I want you to know that what you’re feeling is normal. I also want you to know your dreams for yourself are much more than thoughts. They’re very real, and you absolutely have what it takes to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

If We Want the Win, We Have to Do the Work

Now is the time in most presentations where you would expect me to tell you how easy it will be or how much money you’ll make if you’ll just do one simple thing... but that’s not reality. Most people don’t take the time to teach skills that aren’t super shiny or quick fixes because they require real work. That’s one of the main reasons most people don’t teach what I do. It’s incredibly effective, but it isn’t sexy. 

The truth is, nothing is just a click away. The good news? Taking consistent action will give you legitimate, lasting results. It will provide the foundation you need to support long-term success.

Why Are We Here?

When I realized no one was talking about the exact steps we must take to establish a foundation that will confidently allow us to achieve our dreams, I decided to start the discussion myself.

I developed the Foundations of Success™ Online Learning Platform based on the training I perfected working with thousands of people just like you. It's a format that's accessible and affordable for everyone. I’m excited to share the tools and training you need to create the life you want.

I’ve spent more than 25 years in leadership and coaching roles, and I’ve devoted myself to creating change in the lives of more than a million people with the goal of inspiring true generational change in the world.

Click on my video below to learn more about me, my mission, and why helping YOU is such a crucial part of that journey.

What Does Membership Give You?

4 Cornerstone Courses

Your Foundations of Success™ Membership begins with our 4 Cornerstones. These courses include 20+ hours of information for key training that 100% of my individual coaching clients have requested and invested thousands of dollars to receive:

  • Essentials of Effective Leadership
  • The Power of Persuasion: Understanding and Increasing Sales
  • Connected and Powerful Communication
  • Managing Time, Reducing Stress, and Avoiding Overwhelm

Building Block Courses

Once your Cornerstones are set, your training will continue with our Building Block Courses, which are more bite-sized (typically 1-3 hours each) training sessions, each focused upon a critical targeted area. With new courses being added every 3-4 weeks, you’ll always have more to learn! Sample topics include:

  • Defining Your Ideal Life
  • The Power of Vision
  • Effective Decision Making
  • The Power of Small Numbers
  • Risk Mindset and Management


As a supplement to the high-quality training sessions, you’ll receive access to effective downloadable tools and checklists, quizzes to confirm understanding, certificates of completion for each course, and more.

All Foundations of Success™ materials are available 24/7 allowing you to learn at your own pace and, as with all Leaders Must Lead programs, the Foundations of Success  platform is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Leaders Must Learn™ Mastermind Program

As a powerful bonus, all Foundations of Success™ Memberships will also include FULL access to my Leaders Must Learn™ Mastermind program at no additional cost! This successful group training platform, normally a $1200 annual investment on its own, has been transformative for many and will provide a tremendous resource for your additional learning. It includes

  • 40+ hours of recorded training on a wide variety of topics
  • New recorded sessions added each month
  • Access to a private exclusive Facebook Community with opportunity for discussion, Q&A, special offers, and more
  • Networking with leaders across the globe

See what our clients say

A Return to Energetic Optimism

Rick Coughlin
Founder, Grove Studios
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Dan McPherson has been able to help me see light on the path to success. If you are even considering starting a business, do yourself a favor and spend your first money hiring Dan. You won't be sorry; you’ll regret not having done it sooner.

Invaluable Tools for my Business

Michael Konas
Owner, Dog Might Games
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Dan’s consultation has ensured that my business was built with a solid foundation. His breadth of knowledge regarding every aspect of running a company is extraordinary and his ability and willingness to help is boundless. Throughout every stage of our growth, Dan has been accessible, encouraging, and vital.

Very Empowering

Adrian Pantonial
Learning and Organizational Development Lead, Elevated Play Philippines Inc.
Manila, Philippines

Dan is one of the most outstanding yet down-to-earth speakers out there. He knows how to engage people when he talks. When he's talking to you, he's all there.

Passionate and Inspirational

Melody Vachal
CEO and Founder, Rise Up Care and Wellness
St. Cloud, Minnesota

Dan has an amazing gift for taking complicated ideas and making them make sense. He has the ability to engage and inspire in a very practical style.

Wisdom and Compassion

Dan Zehner
Operations Coordinator, Purdue University
W. Lafayette, Indiana

Dan is a master of challenge and encouragement with the wisdom and experience to back it up. Not only that, but he serves his clients with true compassion, even when telling them uncomfortable truths. I would highly recommend him!

The Real Deal

Judy Thatcher
Thatcher Chiropractic
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Dan listens to you and your business needs and helps you to get where you want to go. If you are willing to learn, he will teach you. Don’t hesitate to contact him; this is a win-win!!

24 Carrot Gold!

Lavender Na
Rabbit Ambassador
Ann Arbor, Michigan

As a rabbit ambassador, I work with humans to teach them how to properly care for us and to help homeless bunnies get adopted. Dan has given me so much insight on how to lead humans more effectively (and believe me, that's a tough job!). I really needed that extra hop in my… hop. Thanks!

How Much Does It Cost?

Pricing Options
Monthly: Offers Members the greatest flexibility and strong value for only $199.00 USD/month.
Annual: Save more than 15% off the monthly investment with our most popular option for Members ready to invest in their dreams for only $1,999.00 USD/year.
Lifetime: Ready to dig in and do the work with permanent, full-time access to all current and future features and save thousands of dollars in the process? We’ve got you covered with a one-time investment of only $4,999.00 USD!

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